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À propos Hanabi League

Oh, us? We’re just a group of superheroes created by vickylee and Jélomina to save Hanabi world from bad guys who are obnoxious and rude.

✪History: ☆(❁‿❁)☆
Fueled by restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superwoman's selfless act, vickylee enlists newfound ally Jélomina and zlatovrana to face an even greater threat. Together, Superwoman, Wonder Woman, and Aquawoman work quickly to recruit a team to stand against this newly awakened enemy.

✪How to play Hanabi: ♨(⋆‿⋆)♨
The deck of cards in Hanabi only has a certain amount of each number!

3 cards with #1
2 cards with #2
2 cards with #3
2 cards with #4
1 card with #5

On your turn you can:

1. Attempt to play a card.
2. Give a clue.
3. Discard a card, which gives the team a clue back.

The goal of the game is to fully play all five suits or colors and you must start each suit by playing the 1, and play in sequential order.

✪Rules: ♒(★‿★)♒
Breaking any rule might get you kicked from the group, I mean use common sense
- Always aim the best scores (30 points)
- Use abandon and rematch features to prevent losing ELO points if only you can't make it to 30 points, keep in mind that some players will lose ELO points when they don't get perfect scores. It has nothing to do with not being sportsmanlike, it's just a smart way to get ELO points, and it's not cheating! It's like if you're given a time machine to fix your mistakes or bad luck in the past, why don't you use it? It's simple like that (◕‿-)
- Always talk nicely to others especially during the game
- We do mistakes sometimes, but we have to learn from it and be nice to others
- No offensive language, we are all friends
- No racism ᵔᴥᵔ

♪\(*^▽^*)/Happy Bombing!\(*^▽^*)/
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