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À propos Politics: US

The best board gamers are also the most logical. When it comes to politics, friends can quickly become enemies, but you don't win games by losing control. Not everyone will agree here, but hopefully everyone will be respectful of views which may be the polar opposite of your own.

Nothing is more invigorating than a good debate based upon the free exchange of ideas. That free exchange is dependent upon mutual respect. No personal insults will be abided here. I think that this could be a rare opportunity to be able to gain an understanding of your fellow citizens who despite holding opposing political viewpoints, share many of the same values.

It is exceedingly unlikely to find a consensus between liberal and conservative views on any domestic issues, but it would be amazing to have a safe place to discuss views which are anathema to others. It is unlikely that you will ever agree, but how often do you get the opportunity to answer the question "Why?" How can a person who is otherwise reasonable, possibly believe this to be true? Hold that position?

There is only one way to find out. Let's explore it here.
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