#130871: "Trader Action: Change "Done" to "No further trades""
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• Merci de copier-coller le message d'erreur qui s'affiche à l'écran, s'il y a lieu.
The Trader action currently has buttons for the resource types and "[Pay selected goods] [Done]".
Per boardgamearena.com/bug?id=58353 the second button originally said "Cancel", which was misleading for suggesting that it might reverse an already-made payment, or temporarily close the window. The bug report suggested changing it to "Done" and (seemingly in the absence of any developer activity for this game) a BGA admin stepped in to implement this.
But "Done" is still misleading for being somewhat synonymous with the Pay button: a player who knows they just want to select three resources and do the trade may click those resources and hit "Done". This causes the action to terminate without trading anything.
"No further trades" would be a clearer button text here.• Veuillez expliquer ce que vous vouliez faire, ce que vous avez fait et ce qu'il s'est passé
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Mozilla v5
• SVP copiez / collez ici le texte affiché en anglais au lieu de votre langue. Si vous avez une capture d'écran de ce bug (pensez-y !), vous pouvez utiliser Imgur.com pour la télécharger et copier-coller le lien ici.
The Trader action currently has buttons for the resource types and "[Pay selected goods] [Done]".
Per boardgamearena.com/bug?id=58353 the second button originally said "Cancel", which was misleading for suggesting that it might reverse an already-made payment, or temporarily close the window. The bug report suggested changing it to "Done" and (seemingly in the absence of any developer activity for this game) a BGA admin stepped in to implement this.
But "Done" is still misleading for being somewhat synonymous with the Pay button: a player who knows they just want to select three resources and do the trade may click those resources and hit "Done". This causes the action to terminate without trading anything.
"No further trades" would be a clearer button text here.• Ce texte est-il disponible dans le système de traduction ? Si oui, a-t-il été traduit depuis plus de 24 heures ?
• Quel est votre navigateur ?
Mozilla v5
• Merci d'expliquer votre suggestion de manière précise et concise, de façon à ce qu'il soit aussi simple que possible de comprendre ce que vous voulez dire.
The Trader action currently has buttons for the resource types and "[Pay selected goods] [Done]".
Per boardgamearena.com/bug?id=58353 the second button originally said "Cancel", which was misleading for suggesting that it might reverse an already-made payment, or temporarily close the window. The bug report suggested changing it to "Done" and (seemingly in the absence of any developer activity for this game) a BGA admin stepped in to implement this.
But "Done" is still misleading for being somewhat synonymous with the Pay button: a player who knows they just want to select three resources and do the trade may click those resources and hit "Done". This causes the action to terminate without trading anything.
"No further trades" would be a clearer button text here.• Quel est votre navigateur ?
Mozilla v5
• Qu'affichait l'écran lorsque vous avez été bloqué·e (Un écran vierge ? Une partie de l'interface du jeu ? Un message d'erreur ?)
The Trader action currently has buttons for the resource types and "[Pay selected goods] [Done]".
Per boardgamearena.com/bug?id=58353 the second button originally said "Cancel", which was misleading for suggesting that it might reverse an already-made payment, or temporarily close the window. The bug report suggested changing it to "Done" and (seemingly in the absence of any developer activity for this game) a BGA admin stepped in to implement this.
But "Done" is still misleading for being somewhat synonymous with the Pay button: a player who knows they just want to select three resources and do the trade may click those resources and hit "Done". This causes the action to terminate without trading anything.
"No further trades" would be a clearer button text here.• Quel est votre navigateur ?
Mozilla v5
• Quelle partie des règles n'a pas été respectée par l'adaptation BGA ?
The Trader action currently has buttons for the resource types and "[Pay selected goods] [Done]".
Per boardgamearena.com/bug?id=58353 the second button originally said "Cancel", which was misleading for suggesting that it might reverse an already-made payment, or temporarily close the window. The bug report suggested changing it to "Done" and (seemingly in the absence of any developer activity for this game) a BGA admin stepped in to implement this.
But "Done" is still misleading for being somewhat synonymous with the Pay button: a player who knows they just want to select three resources and do the trade may click those resources and hit "Done". This causes the action to terminate without trading anything.
"No further trades" would be a clearer button text here.• La violation de règle est-elle visible dans le replay de la partie ? Si oui, à quel numéro de coup ?
• Quel est votre navigateur ?
Mozilla v5
• Quelle action de jeu vouliez-vous faire ?
The Trader action currently has buttons for the resource types and "[Pay selected goods] [Done]".
Per boardgamearena.com/bug?id=58353 the second button originally said "Cancel", which was misleading for suggesting that it might reverse an already-made payment, or temporarily close the window. The bug report suggested changing it to "Done" and (seemingly in the absence of any developer activity for this game) a BGA admin stepped in to implement this.
But "Done" is still misleading for being somewhat synonymous with the Pay button: a player who knows they just want to select three resources and do the trade may click those resources and hit "Done". This causes the action to terminate without trading anything.
"No further trades" would be a clearer button text here.• Qu'avez-vous essayé de faire pour déclencher cette action de jeu ?
• Que s'est-il passé lorsque vous avez essayé de faire cela (message d'erreur, message dans la barre d'état du jeu...) ?
• Quel est votre navigateur ?
Mozilla v5
• À quelle étape de la partie le problème est-il apparu ? Quelles instructions le jeu affichait-il ?
The Trader action currently has buttons for the resource types and "[Pay selected goods] [Done]".
Per boardgamearena.com/bug?id=58353 the second button originally said "Cancel", which was misleading for suggesting that it might reverse an already-made payment, or temporarily close the window. The bug report suggested changing it to "Done" and (seemingly in the absence of any developer activity for this game) a BGA admin stepped in to implement this.
But "Done" is still misleading for being somewhat synonymous with the Pay button: a player who knows they just want to select three resources and do the trade may click those resources and hit "Done". This causes the action to terminate without trading anything.
"No further trades" would be a clearer button text here.• Que s'est-il passé lorsque vous avez essayé de faire cette action de jeu (message d'erreur, message dans la barre d'état du jeu...) ?
• Quel est votre navigateur ?
Mozilla v5
• Veuillez décrire le problème d'affichage. Si vous avez une capture d'écran de ce bug (pensez-y !), vous pouvez utiliser Imgur.com pour la télécharger et copier-coller le lien ici.
The Trader action currently has buttons for the resource types and "[Pay selected goods] [Done]".
Per boardgamearena.com/bug?id=58353 the second button originally said "Cancel", which was misleading for suggesting that it might reverse an already-made payment, or temporarily close the window. The bug report suggested changing it to "Done" and (seemingly in the absence of any developer activity for this game) a BGA admin stepped in to implement this.
But "Done" is still misleading for being somewhat synonymous with the Pay button: a player who knows they just want to select three resources and do the trade may click those resources and hit "Done". This causes the action to terminate without trading anything.
"No further trades" would be a clearer button text here.• Quel est votre navigateur ?
Mozilla v5
• SVP copiez / collez ici le texte affiché en anglais au lieu de votre langue. Si vous avez une capture d'écran de ce bug (pensez-y !), vous pouvez utiliser Imgur.com pour la télécharger et copier-coller le lien ici.
The Trader action currently has buttons for the resource types and "[Pay selected goods] [Done]".
Per boardgamearena.com/bug?id=58353 the second button originally said "Cancel", which was misleading for suggesting that it might reverse an already-made payment, or temporarily close the window. The bug report suggested changing it to "Done" and (seemingly in the absence of any developer activity for this game) a BGA admin stepped in to implement this.
But "Done" is still misleading for being somewhat synonymous with the Pay button: a player who knows they just want to select three resources and do the trade may click those resources and hit "Done". This causes the action to terminate without trading anything.
"No further trades" would be a clearer button text here.• Ce texte est-il disponible dans le système de traduction ? Si oui, a-t-il été traduit depuis plus de 24 heures ?
• Quel est votre navigateur ?
Mozilla v5
• Merci d'expliquer votre suggestion de manière précise et concise, de façon à ce qu'il soit aussi simple que possible de comprendre ce que vous voulez dire.
The Trader action currently has buttons for the resource types and "[Pay selected goods] [Done]".
Per boardgamearena.com/bug?id=58353 the second button originally said "Cancel", which was misleading for suggesting that it might reverse an already-made payment, or temporarily close the window. The bug report suggested changing it to "Done" and (seemingly in the absence of any developer activity for this game) a BGA admin stepped in to implement this.
But "Done" is still misleading for being somewhat synonymous with the Pay button: a player who knows they just want to select three resources and do the trade may click those resources and hit "Done". This causes the action to terminate without trading anything.
"No further trades" would be a clearer button text here.• Quel est votre navigateur ?
Mozilla v5
Historique des rapports de bug
Looking again at this I can't tell whether the string is being used anywhere else in the game, so it may be safer to revert it to "Cancel" than to refer specifically to the trading action.
Rather than "Done" or "No further trades", it would be better if it said "I do not wish to trade". This removes the ambiguity. Additionally, as many others have suggested, this game desperately needs an "Undo" button or an "Are you sure?" button.
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- Appuyer sur F5 a-t-il résolu le problème ?
- Le problème est-il apparu plusieurs fois ? À chaque fois ? Aléatoirement ?
- Si vous avez une capture d'écran de ce bug (pensez-y !), vous pouvez utiliser Imgur.com pour la télécharger et copier-coller le lien ici.