#135344: "My graphics are all messed up after I was prompted to update recently."
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All of these issues are just on my phone. BGA asked me to update recently so I did, and then I had two shortcuts and the graphics were messed up on the games. So I deleted both and re-downloaded it and the new one had the same problems. I deleted the app again and restarted my phone, then I opened Tash Kalar on Firefox, then Chrome, then using the BGA app which runs through Chrome. All three were messed up and each of them were different from the others.
imgur.com/a/MRFRzc6• Veuillez expliquer ce que vous vouliez faire, ce que vous avez fait et ce qu'il s'est passé
• Quel est votre navigateur ?
Google Chrome v128
Historique des rapports de bug
I also have issues with the graphics on Carcassonne, Azul, and other games that I'm playing.
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- Appuyer sur F5 a-t-il résolu le problème ?
- Le problème est-il apparu plusieurs fois ? À chaque fois ? Aléatoirement ?
- Si vous avez une capture d'écran de ce bug (pensez-y !), vous pouvez utiliser Imgur.com pour la télécharger et copier-coller le lien ici.