#156467: "Did not get to place a nebula gained from sending my marble to the chemistry space"
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• Quelle partie des règles n'a pas été respectée par l'adaptation BGA ?
My marble was on the chemistry space. Going into the crafting phase, I placed the carbon star I gained and saw the nebula I had drawn by the side of the board. But I never had a prompt to place the nebula down and by the time my crafting phase was over the nebula was gone.• La violation de règle est-elle visible dans le replay de la partie ? Si oui, à quel numéro de coup ?
Move #32 - Move #40 is my crafting phase. You can see my nebula I had drawn through the chemistry action in the bottom left, and that I never got a chance to place it by the time my crafting phase is over.• Quel est votre navigateur ?
Google Chrome v131
Historique des rapports de bug
Table #645642452
First round of the game. Move #16 I drew the nebula and then on my turn, I no longer had the option of placing it
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