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Rapports de bug sur Photosynthesis
#158166: "Bold warning for last and next-to-last turns"
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Suggestion : à mon avis, la modification suivante améliorerait grandement l'implémentation du jeu
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• Merci d'expliquer votre suggestion de manière précise et concise, de façon à ce qu'il soit aussi simple que possible de comprendre ce que vous voulez dire.
Many games on BGA have a bold, bright banner across the top telling you when it's the last round. In Photosynthesis, this matters a LOT, more than most games, yet we have no clear indicator and people very often miss that the game is about to end and make obviously bad moves they would not have made if they realized it was the end of the game. This ruins a lot of games.
Because of how this game works, the second-to-last turn (turn 5 in round 3 for a regular game) is almost as important. If you know the next turn is the last turn, there are plenty of moves that make no sense to do, that would be very good moves if there were more turns coming.
We already have another suggestion related to this, asking for a countdown:
I agree that would be a good thing _in addition to_ a big bold warning that this is the next-to-last turn and that this is the last turn. We should have both. So I'm making this a separate post to make it clear that I think it's important that we have the bold banner warning, whether or not we also have a countdown, and that both would be best.• Quel est votre navigateur ?
Google Chrome v134
Historique des rapports de bug
16 févr. 2025 15:55 •
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