#161149: "Stalk Exchange tiles overlapped"
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• Veuillez décrire le problème d'affichage. Si vous avez une capture d'écran de ce bug (pensez-y !), vous pouvez utiliser Imgur.com pour la télécharger et copier-coller le lien ici.
Not sure if it was meant to happen or a actual bug but it appeared as if Stalk Exchange would have multiple tokens on one space at a time• Quel est votre navigateur ?
Mozilla v5
Historique des rapports de bug
On your turn swap a flower from the stalk exchange to your hand and then plant that flower (you can swap it to any spot in the exchange).
At the end of the turn the seed/flower that came from your hand is removed from the board (bug) and then the spot in the exchange that it was at will have a "stacked" token where if you plant the token from that spot in the exchange another token will immediately appear in it's place.
When you place that token it causes the game to crash/BGA not responding and you need to redo your turn (visual bug doesn't appear).
I don't know if it will show but you can see it on table: 643134534 near the end of the game
The game state also doesn't like when you swap from the exchange to your hand and then swap the same two back, it seems to cause a client side crash at the end of your turn at times.
I finally succeed to reproduce this bug and another one!
Will be fixed soon!
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- Un autre n° de table / n° de coup
- Appuyer sur F5 a-t-il résolu le problème ?
- Le problème est-il apparu plusieurs fois ? À chaque fois ? Aléatoirement ?
- Si vous avez une capture d'écran de ce bug (pensez-y !), vous pouvez utiliser Imgur.com pour la télécharger et copier-coller le lien ici.