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Rapports de bug sur Earth
#85414: "Add confirmation when action is irreversible"
inforequest: Les développeurs aimeraient plus d'informations à propos de cette suggestion
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Suggestion : à mon avis, la modification suivante améliorerait grandement l'implémentation du jeu
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• Merci d'expliquer votre suggestion de manière précise et concise, de façon à ce qu'il soit aussi simple que possible de comprendre ce que vous voulez dire.
It would be nice to have a confirmation/warning for actions that are irreversible e.g. when you're drawing new cards or anything else that gives new information. This should stop irreversible misclicks (as you would have to misclick, and then misread the message too in order to make an irreversible mistake)
Multiple other games e.g. Wingspan have warnings along the lines of "confirm you want to do this, as it's irreversible"• Quel est votre navigateur ?
Google Chrome v111
Historique des rapports de bug
Joseph2302 • Cette suggestion n'a pas encore été analysée par les développeurs:
4 avril 2023 11:45 • Game number is irrelevant, as this is a suggestion. But BGA made me put in a game number in order to do a report. This suggestion applies to all games.
bennygui • Les développeurs aimeraient plus d'informations à propos de cette suggestion:
4 avril 2023 12:54 • It would be pretty complex to add at this point... but there is an option to add a confirmation when choosing the main action. It's in thje top rigth menu (or below the game in the "option" tab)
MyBoardGameAddiction • Les développeurs aimeraient plus d'informations à propos de cette suggestion:
10 avril 2023 22:42 • Agreed with this suggestion. I had the case where i activated a card that made me discard from the compost in order to get three sprouts. But i had no card yet that could hold sprouts.
First time i just activated without thinking, my bad, but i was still annoyed i could not go back on such a simple step. Then second time i thought "right this is the same situation,
you have to skip "... then out of habit i just clicked on that very button instead of skipping !
Would appreciate an option to ask confirmation anytime you are spending a resource or drawing new cards.
First time i just activated without thinking, my bad, but i was still annoyed i could not go back on such a simple step. Then second time i thought "right this is the same situation,
you have to skip "... then out of habit i just clicked on that very button instead of skipping !
Would appreciate an option to ask confirmation anytime you are spending a resource or drawing new cards.
jreakins • Les développeurs aimeraient plus d'informations à propos de cette suggestion:
18 mai 2023 0:41 • I just had a mobile game choose the main action for me, can not continue my game until I can undo that choice as I want to choose Plant not water
MadDan2020 • Les développeurs aimeraient plus d'informations à propos de cette suggestion:
19 mai 2023 15:21 • Also confirmation would be nice for the main action choice. I had some lag in my browser and selected an action by mistake, there is no way to cancel that. I understand that a lot of people may no like this, but it can be toggleable, like in Teotiuacan, where you have a check box for weather to ask for confirm or not.
bennygui • Les développeurs aimeraient plus d'informations à propos de cette suggestion:
19 mai 2023 15:31 • There is already an option (top right menu) to add a confirmation for the main action.
Lotsa_Llamas • Les développeurs aimeraient plus d'informations à propos de cette suggestion:
21 mai 2023 17:59 • PLEASE add the confirmations. Today "soil" was accidentally selected because I was trying to pick "play event" when the screen very suddenly changed (constant lag in this game). So before I even had a chance to see the new options, "soil" was selected. I had no way to back out of that.
Lotsa_Llamas • Les développeurs aimeraient plus d'informations à propos de cette suggestion:
21 mai 2023 17:59 • Oops, just saw Bennygui's comment. Will try that.
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