#92897: "Unfair penalities"
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• À quelle étape de la partie le problème est-il apparu ? Quelles instructions le jeu affichait-il ?
When I tried to play a card I kept getting a popup to tell me to play a card. It would not play then I got a notice that I was expelled from the game and given a penality.• Que s'est-il passé lorsque vous avez essayé de faire cette action de jeu (message d'erreur, message dans la barre d'état du jeu...) ?
Pop up warning• Quel est votre navigateur ?
Google Chrome v114
Historique des rapports de bug
The next day it said I tried to play Yatzee again and got another penalty. I did not try to play the game the second day, though I may have left the window open.
Now I have at least 2 penalties against me.
I suggest a grace period for new users because these penalties make me want to leave the game and stop telling my friends to join.
I am slow to learn, even with the tutorials and now I feel inhibited to even try new games with other players.
Penalties are handled by BGA (I'm the game developper), I can't change things about it. But it's not a big deal, penalties will go away when you succeed to make games without new penalties.
Your bug has probably been fixed already, or was linked to a temporary failure of BGA service.
In any case, when filling a bug report, make sure to have an explicit title linked to the incident (ex: with error message), so other players can recognize it and vote for it.
Ajouter à ce rapport
- Un autre n° de table / n° de coup
- Appuyer sur F5 a-t-il résolu le problème ?
- Le problème est-il apparu plusieurs fois ? À chaque fois ? Aléatoirement ?
- Si vous avez une capture d'écran de ce bug (pensez-y !), vous pouvez utiliser Imgur.com pour la télécharger et copier-coller le lien ici.