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#97445: ""Skip Players out of time" button is spammy and abusable, should be a consensus vote by players."
awaiting: Cette suggestion n'a pas encore été analysée par les développeurs
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The button is abused to avoid ELO loss and can also stop a player from finishing a turn within the 20 second time by gumming up the system. I suggest that "Skip players out of time" should be a vote requiring all positive timer players, like the "abandon game" feature.• Quel est votre navigateur ?
Google Chrome v116
Historique des rapports de bug
Trouncing • Cette suggestion n'a pas encore été analysée par les développeurs:
2 sept. 2023 10:40 • I had made a post with 4 possible solutions but at the recommendation of cigma, I split these suggestions into individual suggestions.
Kayvon • Cette suggestion n'a pas encore été analysée par les développeurs:
6 sept. 2023 1:50 • There's no "vote against" button, but I'm really against the idea, despite the very good intentions of its author.
When I sit down to a game, I often look at the maximum amount of time it will take (for games with a fixed number of turns) to ensure that the game will conclude before I need to leave. If players are allowed to keep the game running in perpetuity, they can eventually force other players to leave and take a penalty.
It's also open to abuse when multiple players are friends or at the same IP address. I worked tech support when the first generation of XBOX Live had problems with this. When a player was losing he would simply pause the game and walk away, forcing the other player to quit and take a penalty.
When I sit down to a game, I often look at the maximum amount of time it will take (for games with a fixed number of turns) to ensure that the game will conclude before I need to leave. If players are allowed to keep the game running in perpetuity, they can eventually force other players to leave and take a penalty.
It's also open to abuse when multiple players are friends or at the same IP address. I worked tech support when the first generation of XBOX Live had problems with this. When a player was losing he would simply pause the game and walk away, forcing the other player to quit and take a penalty.
cigma • Cette suggestion n'a pas encore été analysée par les développeurs:
6 sept. 2023 22:47 • I share the view of Kayvon and "vote against" this suggestion.
ShassDow • Cette suggestion n'a pas encore été analysée par les développeurs:
10 sept. 2023 10:48 • If you don't want to skip a player you have the possibility to abandon the game and it is a vote. Suggest that this voting system be improved.
Cile • Cette suggestion n'a pas encore été analysée par les développeurs:
10 sept. 2023 11:48 • If I join a fast table I expect turns to be played quickly. I should not be held hostage by 2 or 3 players who don't care that they joined a fast table and want to take 5 minutes per turn, so they vote no to expel players exceeding their turn time
My suggestion to improve the system is to use the tools that already exist: Play at Normal or Slow speed tables instead of Fast if you cannot complete your turns within your time limit.
My suggestion to improve the system is to use the tools that already exist: Play at Normal or Slow speed tables instead of Fast if you cannot complete your turns within your time limit.
wiggles • Cette suggestion n'a pas encore été analysée par les développeurs:
3 oct. 2023 5:17 • I don't play realtime games, but I'm having the same trouble with turn based. I thought there used to be an option to boot a player and continue, but I don't see that for the game I'm playing. My problem is, if the game is near the end and winning players want to continue, it doesn't matter as long as one losing player decides to skip the player and end the game. All players may get the win, but its very unsatisfying.
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- Un autre n° de table / n° de coup
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