#125181: "Compass count incorrect"
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Description détaillée
• Quelle partie des règles n'a pas été respectée par l'adaptation BGA ?
The currency is not accurately being used. My opponent and I were allowed to purchase cards that we did not have the compasses for, as well as compass counts not being accurate. For example, on my first turn, i bought a zero cost card that gave one compass. on my second turn, i reserved a card, as i couldn't afford the ones that were out, but my compass count remained one after the rest phase. on the third turn, the game allowed me to purchase a 4 cost card, even though it said i only had one compass (but i should have had 2). my opponent purchased a 4, 2 and 3 cost card on her first three turns, only having between 1-2 compasses on any of those turns..• La violation de règle est-elle visible dans le replay de la partie ? Si oui, à quel numéro de coup ?
all of them• Quel est votre navigateur ?
Historique des rapports de bug
Your compasses count start at 5. it's indicated with the place of your token (little square with 2 arrows). the +1 or +2 you can read in your player area is the number of compasses you will get during rest phase.
Ajouter à ce rapport
- Un autre n° de table / n° de coup
- Appuyer sur F5 a-t-il résolu le problème ?
- Le problème est-il apparu plusieurs fois ? À chaque fois ? Aléatoirement ?
- Si vous avez une capture d'écran de ce bug (pensez-y !), vous pouvez utiliser Imgur.com pour la télécharger et copier-coller le lien ici.